The UNT Writing Center offers 1-2 general workshops for students on avoiding plagiarism and proper citation in MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual/Turabian Style in Willis Library each semester. In addition, we can offer tailored, interactive workshops for your classes that can help your students learn to read and incorporate sources into their papers more effectively. Please e-mail the director, Kim Moreland, at for further details and to arrange a course visit.
One of the best ways to head off plagiarism is to regularly change writing assignments and to develop prompts that make it difficult for the writer to avoid doing their own work.
Besides outright "stealing" a paper or having someone else write a paper for them, many students are guilty of plagiarism due to these common types of misunderstandings:
Citation is complex. Students don't always understand the rhetorical and practical purpose of citations, i.e., they don't understand why we write with sources, and they don't understand how to write with sources. Unfortunately, when we address plagiarism, we often stress to students what not to do, rather than teaching them what they should do.
Aside from having your students work with the Writing Center on this important and difficult aspect of writing, here are some additional suggestions: