Our trained tutors help undergraduate students with structure, grammar, punctuation, citation styles and more. We'll teach you strategies and techniques to improve your writing for the long term. We offer both in-person and online appointments. Call us at 940-565-2563 or email us at WritingCenter@unt.edu to schedule your appointment.
Online Hours of Operation (August 26 - December 12):
Sunday | 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Monday - Thursday | 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Friday | 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
We offer online tutoring through UNT's Zoom portal. From this website, you and a tutor can share and mark your paper while chatting live via video. Our online tutoring service allows you to discuss a paper or to ask questions from the comfort of your own home or office--anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tutoring sessions last one hour for both undergraduate students and graduate students.
For online tutoring appointments:
To schedule an online tutoring session, either email us at WritingCenter@unt.edu or call us at 940-565-2563. You'll need to provide the following information:
At the Time of Your Online Tutoring Session
To get the most out of your online tutoring session, you will need to actively participate in the session by asking and replying to questions. For chat box-based sessions, our online tutoring sessions are in a virtual "chat" room; you'll see a dialog box where you can type questions and receive answers from the tutor. To begin your online tutoring session:
It’s easy to apply online. Join us and discover why we’re the choice of over 46,000 students.